
What happens if I don’t pay the rent, or pay too late?


If you do not pay housing rent or other debt too in due time you will receive a reminder including a reminder fee from the debt collector company Visma Collectors AS. Housing rent reminders will be sent per mail. If you still do not pay the debt will be sent for collection. At this stage interest rate and debt collection fee will be added to your bill.

If you receive a reminder or notice of debt collection you must pay the fee and interest rate even if you have paid the invoice before you received the notice (but after the due date). Please note that it may take 1-4 days from the date you make the payment until it is registered in our system. A notice of debt collection may be sent in the meantime.

If you pay 14 days or more after the due date the invoice will probably be sent to Visma Collectors AS for further handling, with the consequence that interest rate and fees are added to your bill.

When a payment has been transferred to debt collection you will receive a new invoice from Visma Collectors AS, with a fee and interest rate. This is the invoice you must use to make the payment (not the original one sent from Studentinord). Visma Collectors AS will also be the sender of notice of eviction (§ 14 of the rental contract) if the debt is not settled in time. Issuing the eviction notice adds another fee of NOK 2000,- to your debt.

If the debt still has not been settled, the case will be transferred to the Enforcement Comissioner. Our costs for this transfer is approximately NOK 2000,- which will be charged the tenant. The Enforcement Commissioner’s handling of the case will add even more fees to the due costs.

Guide tagget med: contract payment rent invoice
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