
Flour beetles / mealy bugs in the student home


Flour beetles can be found in cupboards with flour, oat meal, cookies etc. The brownish-black mealybug is 4-6 millimeters long and dark brown.


If you discover mealy bugs in your home, you must report this as soon as possible by sending an inquiry from the housing app «Studentinord bolig».  Monday till Friday from 8 a.m. to 3.30 p.m. you must call the Housing office on (+47) 476 20 800.

Studentinord can help you get rid of the mealy bugs, but it is important that you take measures on your own as soon as you discover them.

Prevention against flour beetle

  • Store flour and other grain products in tight containers, e.g. boxes made of hard plastic 
  • Clean regularly and keep the cupboards tidy and clean 
  • Check food regularly. Flour products that have been left untouched for a long time are particularly vulnerable. 

Control - how to get rid of flour beetle 

  • If you have brought uninvited guests home via food, you can easily get rid of the problem by removing the larvae or the whole food. 
  • Locate the beetle's place of residence and reproduction (it is often a bag of flour, oatmeal etc) and 
  • throw it away or freeze it. 
  • Vacuuming is an excellent way to remove both flour and pests - without you adding moisture to the house (moisture is beneficial for the pests) Throw away the vacuum cleaner bag so that they do not spread again. 
  • If the larvae have established themselves in the kitchen, it is important to check all food and clean the kitchen thoroughly. 
  • Goods that are easily attacked can be heat or freeze treated. Freeze the item in minimum 24 hours at -18 degrees. With heat treatment, the flour beetle is killed after two hours at +55 degrees. 
Guide tagget med: pest rules
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